On the Eighth day – Chapter 3; verses 8 – 11

And following his coronation, so Hollandé did mingle with kings from many countries and the dark hue’d emperor from across the ocean . For the messiah had taken the mantle of ruler and the people looked to him for guidance. And lo, his first act - as promised to his devoted followers who understoodeth nor care’d not from whence the talents to pay for it came - was to let them retire even earlier.

That both his and the neighbouring kingdoms were much troubled by weightier matters - and his other subjects would pay yet more to let these counters of beans rest in the sun whilst still being able to hew wood and carry water - bothered him not. For his being was gripped by a fervor and bounded not by the words of the money lenders.

And from the south did there come news of Espainia where, its merchants having granted all their talents to the builders of huts, found that said dwellings were unwanted and their kingdom’s vaults lay empty. And, as into this sieve did the kingdoms of the north pour yet more silver, did the Ioanians decide upon a ruler, though ill sat the crown as but three persons in ten had so chosen. And so feeling an itch betweenith his shoulder blades did their new king welcome his rivals to council, the back of his throne firmly shov’ed tight to the chamber wall.

So did the muddied waters of many kingdoms swirl and the soothsayers did look at their confluence, much confuse’d. They did agree that the Ioanians had travelled far up a creek of bodily effluent and had mislaid their oar, but understoodith not the repercussions. Thus the messiah did look down upon his land, his ears block’d by his fingers and, chanting an ancient mantra, he heard not nor heeded the forebodings of his priests.
There endeth the third lesson.

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